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D clouds, geographic coordinates WGS8. Carl Friedrich Gauss Wikipedia. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss German Gau, pronouncedas  listen Latin Carolus Fridericus Gauss 3. April 1. 77. 7  2. February 1. 85. 5 was a German mathematician who contributed significantly to many fields, including number theory, algebra, statistics, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, geophysics, mechanics, electrostatics, magnetic fields, astronomy, matrix theory, and optics. Sometimes referred to as the Princeps mathematicorum1 Latin, the foremost of mathematicians and greatest mathematician since antiquity, Gauss had an exceptional influence in many fields of mathematics and science and is ranked as one of historys most influential mathematicians. Personal lifeeditEarly yearseditJohann Carl Friedrich Gauss was born on 3. April 1. 77. 7 in Brunswick Braunschweig, in the Duchy of Brunswick Wolfenbttel now part of Lower Saxony, Germany, as the son of poor working class parents. His mother was illiterate and never recorded the date of his birth, remembering only that he had been born on a Wednesday, eight days before the Feast of the Ascension, which itself occurs 3. Easter. Gauss later solved this puzzle about his birthdate in the context of finding the date of Easter, deriving methods to compute the date in both past and future years. He was christened and confirmed in a church near the school he attended as a child. Gauss was a child prodigy. A contested story relates that, when he was eight, he figured out how to add up all the numbers from 1 to 1. There are many other anecdotes about his precocity while a toddler, and he made his first ground breaking mathematical discoveries while still a teenager. He completed Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, his magnum opus, in 1. This work was fundamental in consolidating number theory as a discipline and has shaped the field to the present day. Gausss intellectual abilities attracted the attention of the Duke of Brunswick,2 who sent him to the Collegium Carolinum now Braunschweig University of Technology, which he attended from 1. University of Gttingen from 1. While at university, Gauss independently rediscovered several important theorems. His breakthrough occurred in 1. Fermat primes and a power of 2. This was a major discovery in an important field of mathematics construction problems had occupied mathematicians since the days of the Ancient Greeks, and the discovery ultimately led Gauss to choose mathematics instead of philology as a career. Gauss was so pleased with this result that he requested that a regular heptadecagon be inscribed on his tombstone. The stonemason declined, stating that the difficult construction would essentially look like a circle. Drz 400 Kick Starter Install. The year 1. 79. 6 was most productive for both Gauss and number theory. He discovered a construction of the heptadecagon on 3. March. 1. 1 He further advanced modular arithmetic, greatly simplifying manipulations in number theory. On 8 April he became the first to prove the quadratic reciprocity law. This remarkably general law allows mathematicians to determine the solvability of any quadratic equation in modular arithmetic. The prime number theorem, conjectured on 3. May, gives a good understanding of how the prime numbers are distributed among the integers. Gauss also discovered that every positive integer is representable as a sum of at most three triangular numbers on 1. July and then jotted down in his diary the note On 1 October he published a result on the number of solutions of polynomials with coefficients in finite fields, which 1. Weil conjectures. Later years and deatheditIn 1. Gauss developed a fruitful collaboration with the physics professor Wilhelm Weber, leading to new knowledge in magnetism including finding a representation for the unit of magnetism in terms of mass, charge, and time and the discovery of Kirchhoffs circuit laws in electricity. It was during this time that he formulated his namesake law. They constructed the first electromechanical telegraph in 1. Gttingen. Gauss ordered a magnetic observatory to be built in the garden of the observatory, and with Weber founded the Magnetischer Verein magnetic club in German, which supported measurements of Earths magnetic field in many regions of the world. He developed a method of measuring the horizontal intensity of the magnetic field which was in use well into the second half of the 2. Earths magnetic field. In 1. 84. 0, Gauss published his influential Dioptrische Untersuchungen,1. Gaussian optics. 1. Among his results, Gauss showed that under a paraxial approximation an optical system can be characterized by its cardinal points1. Gaussian lens formula. In 1. 84. 5, he became associated member of the Royal Institute of the Netherlands when that became the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1. In 1. 85. 4, Gauss selected the topic for Bernhard Riemanns Habilitationvortrag, ber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen. On the way home from Riemanns lecture, Weber reported that Gauss was full of praise and excitement. Gauss died in Gttingen, then Kingdom of Hanover and now Lower Saxony on 2. February 1. 85. 53 and is interred in the Albani Cemetery there. Free Mac Hdv Capture Software'>Free Mac Hdv Capture Software. Two individuals gave eulogies at his funeral Gausss son in law Heinrich Ewald and Wolfgang Sartorius von Waltershausen, who was Gausss close friend and biographer. His brain was preserved and was studied by Rudolf Wagner who found its mass to be 1,4. Highly developed convolutions were also found, which in the early 2. Religious viewseditGauss was a Lutheran. Protestant, a member of the St. Albans Evangelical Lutheran church in Gttingen. Potential evidence that Gauss believed in God comes from his response after solving a problem that had previously defeated him Finally, two days ago, I succeeded not on account of my hard efforts, but by the grace of the Lord. One of his biographers G. Waldo Dunnington describes Gausss religious views in these terms For him science was the means of exposing the immortal nucleus of the human soul. In the days of his full strength, it furnished him recreation and, by the prospects which it opened up to him, gave consolation. Toward the end of his life, it brought him confidence. Gauss God was not a cold and distant figment of metaphysics, nor a distorted caricature of embittered theology. To man is not vouchsafed that fullness of knowledge which would warrant his arrogantly holding that his blurred vision is the full light and that there can be none other which might report the truth as does his. For Gauss, not he who mumbles his creed, but he who lives it, is accepted. He believed that a life worthily spent here on earth is the best, the only, preparation for heaven. Religion is not a question of literature, but of life. Gods revelation is continuous, not contained in tablets of stone or sacred parchment. A book is inspired when it inspires. The unshakeable idea of personal continuance after death, the firm belief in a last regulator of things, in an eternal, just, omniscient, omnipotent God, formed the basis of his religious life, which harmonized completely with his scientific research. Apart from his correspondence, there are not many known details about Gauss personal creed. Many biographers of Gauss disagree about his religious stance, with Bhler and others considering him a deist with very unorthodox views,2.