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How to Read Dump Files. When a Windows application crashes or unexpectedly stops, a crash dump file is generated to save information present just before the. A Dump file is a snapshot of process memory. Dump file can be used to troubleshoot several issues including crashes, freezes, and performance problems. On Windows. Flash Crash Wikipedia. The DJIA on May 6th, 2. AM 4 0. 0 PM ESTThe May 6, 2. Flash Crash12 also known as the Crash of 2 4. Flash Crash or simply the Flash Crash, was a United States trillion dollar3stock market crash, which started at 2 3. EDT and lasted for approximately 3. Stock indexes, such as the S P 5. Crash Dump File WikipediaDow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq Composite, collapsed and rebounded very rapidly. The Dow Jones Industrial Average had its biggest intraday point drop from the opening up to that point,4 plunging 9. It was also the second largest intraday point swing difference between intraday high and intraday low up to that point, at 1,0. The prices of stocks, stock index futures, options and exchange traded fund ETFs were volatile, thus trading volume spiked. A CFTC 2. According to a December 6, 2. Wall Street Journal, new regulations put in place following the 2. Flash Crashwhen bids on dozens of ETFs and other stocks fell as low as a penny a share9proved to be inadequate to protect investors in the August 2. ETFs appeared to come unhinged from their underlying value. ETFs were put under greater scrutiny by regulators and investors. Analysts at Morningstar claim that,9ETFs are a digital age technology governed by Depression era legislation. Morningstar December 6, 2. Crash Dump File WikileaksCrash Dump File WikiOn April 2. U. S. Department of Justice laid 2. Navinder Singh Sarao, a trader. Among the charges included was the use of spoofing algorithms just prior to the Flash Crash, he placed thousands of E mini S P 5. These orders amounting to about 2. Spoofing, layering, and front running are now banned. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC investigation concluded that Sarao was at least significantly responsible for the order imbalances in the derivatives market which affected stock markets and exacerbated the flash crash. Sarao began his alleged market manipulation in 2. Traders Magazine journalist, John Bates, argued that blaming a 3. London1. 0 for sparking a trillion dollar stock market crash is a little bit like blaming lightning for starting a fire and that the investigation was lengthened because regulators used bicycles to try and catch Ferraris. Furthermore, he concluded that by April 2. As recently as May 2. CFTC report concluded that high frequency traders did not cause the Flash Crash, but contributed to it by demanding immediacy ahead of other market participants. Some recent peer reviewed research shows that flash crashes are not isolated occurrences, but have occurred quite often. Gao and Mizrach studied US equities over the period of 1. They show that breakdowns in market quality such as flash crashes have occurred in every year they examined and that, apart from the financial crisis, such problems have declined since the introduction of Reg NMS. They also show that 2. Flash Crash, was not a year with an inordinate number of breakdowns in market quality. BackgroundeditOn May 6, 2. U. S. stock markets opened and the Dow was down, and trended that way for most of the day on worries about the debt crisis in Greece. At 2 4. 2 p. m., with the Dow down more than 3. Twenty minutes later, by 3 0. At the time of the Flash Crash, in May 2. U. S. financial regulations into Regulation NMS,31. United States National Market System for equity securities. The Reg NMS, promulgated and described by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, was intended to assure that investors received the best price executions for their orders by encouraging competition in the marketplace, created attractive new opportunities for high frequency traders. Activities such as spoofing, layering and front running were banned by 2. Letter Zu. This rule was designed to give investors the best possible price when dealing in stocks, even if that price was not on the exchange that received the order. An HFT trader can benefit from the rule by placing a tiny order at an apparently beneficial price to other traders, but which alerts them to the existence of a large order and so they can snap up existing offers or bids to drive the price away from the large order, then filling the large order at a profit. ExplanationeditEarly theorieseditAt first, while the regulatory agencies and the United States Congress announced investigations into the crash,1. Investigators focused on a number of possible causes, including a confluence of computer automated trades, or possibly an error by human traders. By the first weekend, regulators had discounted the possibility of trader error and focused on automated trades conducted on exchanges other than the NYSE. However, CME Group, a large futures exchange, stated that, insofar as stock index futures traded on CME Group were concerned, its investigation found no evidence for this or that high frequency trading played a role, and in fact concluded that automated trading had contributed to market stability during the period of the crash. Others speculate that an intermarket sweep order may have played a role in triggering the crash. Several plausible theories were put forward to explain the plunge. The fat finger theory In 2. Procter Gamble stock, inciting massive algorithmic trading orders to dump the stock however, this theory was quickly disproved after it was determined that Procter and Gambles decline occurred after a significant decline in the E Mini S P 5. The fat finger trade hypothesis was also disproved when it was determined that existing CME Group and ICE safeguards would have prevented such an error. Impact of high frequency traders Regulators found that high frequency traders exacerbated price declines. Regulators determined that high frequency traders sold aggressively to eliminate their positions and withdrew from the markets in the face of uncertainty. A July 2. 01. 1 report by the International Organization of Securities Commissions IOSCO, an international body of securities regulators, concluded that while algorithms and HFT technology have been used by market participants to manage their trading and risk, their usage was also clearly a contributing factor. Other theories postulate that the actions of high frequency traders HFTs were the underlying cause of the flash crash. One hypothesis, based on the analysis of bid ask data by Nanex, LLC, is that HFTs send non executable orders orders that are outside the bid ask spread to exchanges in batches. Though the purpose of these orders is unknown, some experts speculate that their purpose is to increase noise, clog exchanges, and outwit competitors. However, other experts believe that deliberate market manipulation is unlikely because there is no practical way in which the HFTs can profit from these orders, and it is more likely that these orders are designed to test latency times and to detect early price trends. Whatever the reasons behind the possible existence of these orders, this theory postulates that they exacerbated the crash by overloading the exchanges on May 6. On September 3, 2. Some have put forth the theory that high frequency trading was actually a major factor in minimizing and reversing the flash crash. Large directional bets Regulators say a large E Mini S P 5. Abba The Visitors Rar on this page. Flash Crash, but did not identify the firm. Earlier, some investigators suggested that a large purchase of put options on the S P 5.